Welcome back to “This Week at City Hall” where we give you weekly updates on what decisions are being made in City Hall that may potentially affect your community or neighborhood ! Everyday, various councils and committees are making huge decisions that in turn affect our communities. That is why it is extremely important for us to stay updated on all current agendas that are being discussed in City Hall.
Kansas City Updates: After weeks of heavy deliberation, The city has prioritized $66.9
million of American Rescue Plan Act funding received over two fiscal years for Housing
and Healthy Communities to include $25.0 million dedicated for affordable housing
solutions, right to counsel to support tenants facing eviction, and $15.0 million for the
ReBuildKC Neighborhoods program. We will keep you up on how that transpires
throughout the year.
The Housing and Community Services budget totals $33.6 million. The total budget
represents a $3.3 million increase (18.8 percent) from the Adopted FY 2022-23 Budget.
The Submitted Budget increases tenant advocacy by $400,000 for the expansion of the
right to counsel program. Kansas City created the right to counsel program in the
current year to prevent evictions and provide free legal assistance.
Now let’s move on to what the Neighborhood committees are discussing this week in
city hall,
Wednesday 3/15/2023
230231: Director of City Planning and Development Department are planning to
rezone an area of approximately 3.25 acres located at 9618 and 9615 Grandview Road
from District R-7.5 to District MPD and approving a development plan to allow
agricultural, wholesale and retail sales, office, and short term rental uses within existing
and proposed structures and high tunnels. (CD-CPC-2020-00106)
Resolution Status: The Neighborhood and planning development committee will be
meeting this week on Wednesday at 1:30pm to discuss this potential development.
There is also a virtual option on zoom.
230232 Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving
a residential development plan and preliminary plat in Districts B3-3 and R-1.5 for
Kimpton Falls on an area of about 49.43 acres generally located south of N.W. Barry
Road and along the future extension of Line Creek Parkway. (CD-CPC-2022-00225)
The development is proposing 420 residential units, building type 1 will contain 10
units per building.
The proposal provides parking for each unit and additional surface parking, safe and
efficient pedestrian connections, and safe and efficient access. The development is
along the extension of Line Creek Parkway, the buildings along Line Creek Parkway
comply with the Boulevard and Parkway Standards.
Resolution Status: The Neighborhood and Planning development committee will be
be meeting on Wednesday to discuss the any further details on the approval of this
residential development
Thursday 3/16/2023
The Kansas City Neighborhood Advisory Council will be meeting this Thursday from
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm to go over new board member interviews. Be sure to look out for
potential candidates that may represent your neighborhood!
● The main agenda for this meeting will be general updates on zoning
developments, Housing and infrastructure
● They will also be discussing the new rideshare program (IRIS) which is expected
to debut in the Northland and will be available across the metro soon.The project
extends Kansas City’s bus system, offering 24-hour service throughout its two
zones, the Northland and downtown Kansas City.
The Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners will be meeting on Thursday at
12:00pm to give updates on :
● Financial Report
● Directors Reports
● Old business
● New business
● Legal Matters
Health Commission: Ad Hoc Housing Committee Business Session will be meeting on
Thursday from 11:00am to 12:30am to discuss specifications for competitive bidding.
They will be meeting virtually through zoom: Click Here to Join the Meeting
With the new budget being released from the city council, we are really hoping to see
some positive changes when it comes to infrastructure and development for our
communities. The neighborhood advisory council will meet again next Wednesdayto
finalize their new members and continue discussing the new and proposed
developments. Make sure to stay tuned for further updates and next week’s meeting
This Week at City Hall was researched and written by Maryam Oyebamiji, CFN Intern
Great research with detail information in our community..,,,,, Appreciated