This (and next) Week at City Hall
September is warming up! Get out there and see what’s happening in your city.
Today – September 7, 2022
ProspectUs Public Meeting
Prospect Avenue Transit Oriented Development Project
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Advisory Council – open to public
Southeast Community Center- 4201 E. 63rd Street KCMO 64130
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 2685 3585 Passcode: 628395
More about the project here:
What is Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)?
Transit Oriented Development is a form of urban redevelopment that increases access for people who walk, bike, or take transit to and from a particular place in the city. TOD is necessary because of the past 100 years of automobile-dependent development, which is unsustainable.
The City adopted a TOD policy in 2017 (resolution 160361). The purpose is to provide a policy framework to promote new construction and development in the city’s transportation corridors – such as Troost and Prospect.
Thursday September 8, 2022
10:00 AM
Convention Management Advisory Authority (CMAA)
The Convention Management Advisory Authority (CMAA) Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 10:00 am in Lobby 2200, Board Room 2213 at the Convention Center. Kathleen Keens is the contact for the meeting and can be reached at 816/513-5051.
GO Bonds, Sports Commission, Visit KC updates, among other items.
Why should we pay closer attention to tourism and visitor-related decisions in KCMO? Good question. The city is building a new infrastructure for tourism as a form of economic development and infrastructure investment. Your tax dollars are supporting the production of this new infrastructure – including the streetcar, the new airport, and a wide variety of related projects. With the NFL draft and 2026 World Cup coming to Kansas City = how we spend dollars for tourism matters for your neighborhood and equitable development citywide. Neighborhoods can prepare for these changes by being more involved with Neighborhood Tourism Development (NTDF) and other programs.
3:00 PM
Linwood Shopping Center Community Improvement District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting ID: 875 7298 8391
Passcode: 915131
What is a CID? According to the state of Missouri – a Community Improvement District (CID) is a local special taxing district that collects revenue within its designated boundaries to pay for special public facilities, improvements or services. CIDs are created by ordinance of the local governing body of a municipality upon presentation of a petition signed by owners of real property within the proposed district’s boundaries, typically encompassing a commercial, not a residential area. A CID, although approved by the local municipality, is a separate political subdivision with the power to govern itself and impose and collect special assessments, additional property and sales taxes. CIDs may also generate funds by fees, rents or charges for district property or services and through grants, gifts or donations. CID annual reports are filed with the Clerk of the creating municipality and a copy filed with the Department of Economic Development which does not have oversight or audit responsibility for these districts. Source:
In 2108, State auditor Nicole galloway called for more reform of CID and the need for greater accountability and transparency statewide. Read more here”
Friday September 9th, 2022
Health Commission
Members of Health Commission will attend this meeting via teleconference or videoconference. The public can join this meeting using the conference information provided below: Join Zoom Meeting
Discussion of Legislative Priorities.
KCMO Health Commission
Read the Community Health Improvement Plan here:
Next Week
Monday September 12, 2022
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Health Commission – Gender Equity Task Force meeting
Zoom Meeting
ID: 919 5865 0772
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
12:00 noon
Central City Economic Development Sales Tax Board
A public meeting of the Central City Economic Development Sales Tax Board will take place at the following place and time:
Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 941 9629 5826
Phone: (646) 558-8656 Passcode: 94196295826#
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
9:00 AM
Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee
26th Floor, Council Chamber
Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending each meeting or they may do so through the videoconference platform ZOOM, using this link:
220702 RESOLUTION – Directing the City Manager to update the Trails KC Plan to include additional neighborhood connections and update the Five-Year Prioritization Plan that aligns with the City’s business plan and equity goals to guide future capital improvement planning and federal grant applications.
10:30 AM
Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee
26th Floor, Council Chambers
Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending each meeting, or they may do so through the videoconference platform ZOOM, using this link:
220752 Amending Chapter 38, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 38-43. Powers and Duties and Section 38-65. Incident Reports and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter to expand the Kansas City Human Rights Commission’s task force powers to include investigation of bias incidents, including review of police incident reports.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
1:30 PM
Neighborhood Planning and Development
Details are not available at this time.
Stay tuned!
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