When the flames go creeping;
When the smoke plume is leaping;
We’ll play like we’re sleeping
While the world’s on fire.
While the skies they’re clearing
We’ll rise up dreaming;
Build our city from the ashes
When the world was on fire.
Woody Guthrie
There are more than 750 wildfires burning in the United States.
Things are cooking at City Hall too – check the City Clerk’s website for changes: https://clerk.kcmo.gov/Calendar.aspx
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
9:00 AM Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee
TIO was cancelled for this week.
26th Floor, Council Chamber
Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending each meeting or they may do so through the videoconference platform ZOOM, using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84530222968
220702 RESOLUTION – Directing the City Manager to update the Trails KC Plan to include additional neighborhood connections and update the Five-Year Prioritization Plan that aligns with the City’s business plan and equity goals to guide future capital improvement planning and federal grant applications.
10:00 AM – this is early.
Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee
26th Floor, Council Chambers – or on ZOOM.
Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending each meeting, or they may do so through the videoconference platform ZOOM, using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84530222968
220752 (Robinson) Amending Chapter 38, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 38-43. Powers and Duties and Section 38-65. Incident Reports and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter to expand the Kansas City Human Rights Commission’s task force powers to include investigation of bias incidents, including review of police incident reports.
1:30 PM
Neighborhood Planning and Development
26th Floor, Council Chambers or on ZOOM
Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending each meeting, or they may do so through the videoconference platform ZOOM, using this link:
220743 RESOLUTION – Directing the City Manager to develop a plan to expedite affordable housing development by clearing titles on City-owned vacant properties intended for sale and/or development; and report back to the Council in 90 days.
Please check your city-owned properties.
220734 RESOLUTION – Vacating a portion of Jefferson Street north of West 25th Street to its terminus at the Kansas City Terminal Railway in District M1-5
(Manufacturing) to allow for the construction of a new mixed use district;
and directing the City Clerk to record certain documents.
(CD-ROW-2022-00001) – Westside Neighborhood
210348 Establishing the Economic Development Oversight Board, also known as the Super Board, to coordinate policies between various economic development entities; and establishing an effective date.
We’ve heard of the Super Bowl – but what’s the Super Board? No fact sheet.
LGBTQ Commission (virtual)
Meeting ID: 843 3303 5513 Passcode: 843192
Lots of important agenda items – tune in.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
9:00 am
Tenant’s Right to Counsel Advisory Committee Meeting (virtual)
11 am
Health Commission – Ad Hoc Housing Meeting
3 pm
City Council
No details available at this time.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Health Commission – Education Committee meeting
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