TIO Committee – 10/19/2022 @ 9 am
220914: Councilmember Andrea Bough Amending Chapter 10 and Chapter 64, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Sections 10-130, Sidewalk cafe, parklet, street cafe, or parking lot alcohol license expansion, 10-161, Application fee, 10-212, Location, 10-214, Eligible neighbor notification, and 64-171, Street cafe permit, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter which enact that sidewalk cafe, parklet, street cafe, or parking lot permits are only issued by those departments accepting applications in order to eliminate additional bureaucracy to the application process and confusion to the applicant.
To change the ordinance so that sidewalk café, parklet, street café, or parking lot alcohol licenses are only issued by those departments that accept applications for them in order to eliminate additional bureaucracy to the application process and confusion to the applicant.
Text details here.
Finance Committee – 10/19-2022 @ 10:30 am
ORDINANCE NO. 220912 Sponsor: General Services Department and Conventions and Entertainment Facilities. Authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to exceed the $400,000.00 Section 3-41(a)(2) Ordinance threshold for a one-year term contract with the Aramark Sports and Entertainment Services, LLC to provide cleaning and event setup services in the Convention and Entertainment Facilities; and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to amend the contract and exercise five one-year renewal options.
Note: Aramark is the largest foodservice provider in the United States. They signed an agreement in 2022 to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and the “Cool Food Pledge.” Learn more here.
Neighborhood Tourist Development Fund Committee Orientation – 10/19/2022 @ 10:00am
More about NTDF: https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/departments/city-manager-s-office/neighborhood-tourist-development-fund-ntdf
Municipal code on NTDF is here.
This funding is for neighborhoods – please pay attention.
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee @1:30 PM
26th Floor, Council Chambers or zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84530222968
220867 Sponsor(s): Councilmembers Parks-Shaw, Fowler, and Bough – Establishing a Kansas City, Missouri Community Land Trust non-profit organization; authorizing the filing of Articles of Incorporation with the Missouri Secretary of State; and appointing a Board of Directors of the Kansas City, Missouri Community Land Trust.
Legislation details here.
Council is considering a committee substitution to hire a consultant on this item.
Thursday – October 20, 2022
Human Rights Commission @ 11 am
Agenda: Task force assignments, budget, cases, directors report, database of LGBTQI/Veteran Businesses.
City Council meets @ 3 pm
Council Chambers and Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/89195928794
Details not available at this time.
KC Neighborhood Advisory Council – KCNAC
Southeast Community Center – 4201 East 63rd ST. KCMO 64130 – 6 to 7:30 PM
Agenda: KC Spirit Playbook – City Planning presentation
Chapter 88 presentation / discussion
Gary Jones – report for Neighborhood Services
Friday – October 21, 2022
Visit KC – Finance Committee @ 9 am
PIAC @ 9am
May include a discussion of neighborhood conservation projects
Health Commission – Education Committee @ 10 am
On zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
This week, Kansas City has the honor to host the Hannover Big Band – from our Sister City of Hannover, Germany -and a UNESCO Creative City of Music since 2014. Organized by Traute Kohler, the Hannover band’s spiritual leader and tenor saxophonist is Lothar Krist – an outstanding human on all counts, and a very patient man. We welcome Mr. Krist and the Hannover Big Band to Kansas City – and we encourage you to get out and support your local musicians! Please go see the Hannover Big Band this weekend!
JCCC – Midwest Trust Center – Kansas City Jazz Orchestra and Hannover Big Band @ 8 p.m.
Duke Ellington’s Sacred Service
Featuring the Hannover Big Band, Village Church & Kansas City, Kansas Community College Choirs
7:30 p.m. Oct. 22 Saturday and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 23 Sunday
Mission Campus Sanctuary
Hear this lively work with soprano and bass soloists, tap dancing, singing and the world-renowned Hannover Big Band Jazz Orchestra on their first time to Kansas City. Their visit is part of a Sister City jazz exchange program between the cities of Hannover, Germany and Kansas City.
Tickets: villagepres.org/music.
Coming up Next Week:
Monday October 24, 2002 = United Nations Day. A symbol of hope for global unity
United Nations Day, on 24 October, marks the anniversary of the day in 1945 when the UN Charter entered into force. UN Day, celebrated every year, offers the opportunity to amplify our common agenda and reaffirm the purposes and principles of the UN Charter that have guided us for the past 76 years. Usually held in the General Assembly Hall of the Organization, at Headquarters in New York, a concert is held to mark UN Day. As the world begins gradually to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Concert represents a call to strengthen international cooperation in the interest of both nations and peoples, for a more peaceful and prosperous future for all.
Secretary General’s message 2022
The United Nations is the product of hope.
The hope — and resolve — following the Second World War to move beyond global conflict to global cooperation.
Today, our organization is being tested like never before.
But the United Nations was made for moments like this.
Now, more than ever, we need to bring to life the values and principles of the UN Charter in every corner of the world.
By giving peace a chance and ending conflicts that jeopardize lives, futures and global progress.
By working to end extreme poverty, reduce inequalities, and rescue the Sustainable Development Goals.
By safeguarding our planet, including by breaking our addiction to fossil fuels and kickstarting the renewable energy revolution.
And by finally balancing the scales of opportunity and freedom for women and girls and ensure human rights for all.
As we mark UN Day, let us renew our hope and conviction in what humanity can achieve when we work as one, in global solidarity.
Learn more here: https://www.un.org/en/observances/un-day
Tuesday October 25, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m.
Regular Meeting – Board of Police Commissioners
9:30 am – KCPD Headquarters, 1125 Locust, Community Room
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