Finance, Governance, and Public Safety
220273 RESOLUTION – Directing the City Manager to study the feasibility of establishing hygiene facilities in the City for people experiencing homelessness and report back to the Council in 60 days. Testimony was taken for this item, but a vote was not held. It will be further discussed this week.
Ordinance #220276 – Amending Chapter 50, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 50-107, Tenting without consent of landowner, and Section 50-161, Loitering, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter, which will limit to private property the prohibition on tenting without consent of landowner, and, for a loitering in traffic violation, require that a person willfully obstruct, impede, interfere with, hinder or delay the reasonable movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and prevent a person from being guilty of loitering unless such person has been given a reasonable opportunity to comply with an order from law enforcement to move on or disperse, after receiving actual notice or where notice was directed to them and was reasonably likely to come to such person’s attention. This item was held, and more information has been requested from the City’s legal department.
Business Session
Public Works gave a presentation that previewed an ordinance that will be introduced soon, which will allow for sidewalk dining to continue permanently. Recall that sidewalk dining was greatly expanded due to the coronavirus pandemic. The department is weighing two different fee structures: one would base the fee on size of the sidewalk café, the other calls for an annual fee of $600 plus an annual $250 renewal fee. Permit applicants for new sidewalk cafes will be required to send notification letter to on-street property owners/tenants that includes a 30-day feedback period prior to permit approval. Existing cafes will be grandfathered in since infrastructure is already in place.
In case you missed it:
The City announced the development of an affordable housing locator. Official Press release can be found here.
Upcoming this week:
Click links below for docket information. You can join some of these meetings via zoom (information provided on docket) or view on Channel 2, which can be found on the City’s YouTube page.
City Plan Commission – Tuesday, April 5 @ 9:00am
Docket not yet posted on City Clerk’s website at time of publication but did go out via the Clerk’s mailing list last week.
Case No CD-CPC-2021-00214 – Chapter 88 Amendments – Amending Chapter 88, the Zoning and Development Code, as it pertains to 88-535, Minor Subdivisions and 88-110-06, Residential Districts Lot and Building Standards and any other necessary related amendments. Staff Recommendation: CONTINUANCE WITHOUT FEE TO May 3, 2022
Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee – Wednesday, April 6 @ 9:00am
Finance, Governance, and Public Safety – Wednesday, April 6 @ 10:30am
Neighborhood Planning and Development – Wednesday, April 6 @ 1:30pm
Special Committee of Housing Policy – Wednesday, April 6 @ 3:00pm (docket not available at time of publication)
City Council Legislative Session – Thursday, April 7 @ 3:00pm (docket not available at time of publication)
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