July 12-18
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee
Ordinance 200497 is held again until next week. This ordinance seeks to establish a policy limiting the use of real property tax abatement as an economic development tax incentive within the boundaries of the Kansas City Missouri, Independence, Center, Hickman Mills, Grandview, Raytown, and Lee’s Summit School Districts.
Ordinance 200424 held for another week. This ordinance affirms the City Council’s commitment to fund subsequent phases of the 18th and Vine Historic District Improvements by identifying funding sources from 2021-2022 Fiscal Year budget; and directing the City Manager to include a funding request in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year budget in conformance with this resolution.
City Council
Ordinance 200647 is re-referred back to the Finance, Governance, and Public Safety Committee. This resolution directs the City Manager to develop a plan for a minimum one-week furlough for some City staff; and directing the City Manager to produce the plan within seven days of passage of this Resolution.
Ordinance 200598 passes, 7-5. This ordinance amends Chapter 50, Code of Ordinances, entitled “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions” by enacting one new Section 50-175 prohibiting the malicious publication of personally identifying information of a person with the intent to threaten or stalk a person, a person’s immediate family, or a person’s domestic partner.
Ordinance 200572 passes, 11-1. This ordinance reduces appropriations in various funds for Fiscal Year 2020-21 due to the unprecedented economic impacts of the COVID-19 recession on the City’s finances; authorizing the use of reserves; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. Budgets will be cut 4.5% across all city departments—police and fire cuts are limited to 2.25%. The cuts will save $23.6 million. Additionally, the city will stop cutting grass in rural areas and will reduce cutting in parks and along boulevards. Two million will be cut from Neighborhoods and Housing Services, though recycling will not be affected.
Tuesday, August 18
City Plan Commission: 9:00am
Special Committee for Legal Review: 1:30pm
Wednesday, August 19
Finance, Governance, and Public Safety Committee: 8:45am
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee: 1:30pm
Thursday, August 20
City Council Business Session: 2:00pm
City Council Legislative Session: 3:00pm
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