Neighborhood boundaries:
Bannister Rd, 99th, Blue Ridge Blvd, Hillcrest
Established: May 12, 1955
Our mission is to enhance and preserve the quality of life and sense of community through effective and efficient management of the Association, enforcement of rules and covenants to preserve property values, and support initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Neighborhood Association Positions:
- Pres – Lacurtise Smith
- Vice Pres – Byron Townsend
- Secretary –Veresa Bowden
- Treasurer – Ann Bowman
Neighborhood contact:
Lacurtise Smith (President)
Projects and Accomplishments:
- Reinstated the HOA in March 2019 to preserve the community appearance, safety and value.
- New Price Chopper on Bannister and Hillcrest opening July 2021
- Cerner Development in the area